Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Honoring our supporters
President Dow was chair of the Crater Lake Trust for two years. Her background in microbiology and love of the great outdoors brought synergy to her involvement with the Trust. A dream she long harbored in her heart was to provide educational opportunities for students, across the continuum, at the National Park.
This dream came to fruition last summer, when the Science and Learning Center was opened in the former Superintendent’s Cottage at the Park. OIT and Southern Oregon University each have a faculty member working at the Center to provide educational pursuits for students ranging from kindergartners to post-graduate studies.
Chuck, Mac and Marsha worked tirelessly to make this possible. Their love and dedication to the Park and willingness to embrace the possibility of partnership will serve to introduce thousands of new minds and hearts to the wonder of Crater Lake.
Chuck Lundy and Mac Brock of Crater Lake National Park receive their award from Provost and Acting President Dave Woodall.
OIT’s Outstanding Community Partner honor was bestowed upon John Dey.
John is co-chair, along with Nancy Wendt, for the capital campaign raising funds for the Oregon Center for Health Professions. For those of you not acquainted with this effort, the Center is the building being constructed south and west of here. It is the first new building to be constructed on campus in 20 years and will allow OIT to expand its allied health professions enrollment.
John has personally walked the legislative halls telling the story about the importance of this effort. His commitment and dedication to OIT is remarkable. John has been engaged in promoting economic development for the Klamath area for many years. He understands the role OIT plays in building a stable future for this community and the state.
John has also become personally acquainted with the students here. He and his wife, Nancy, have mentored OIT students. The students receive great benefit from these interactions, but this has also served to enhance John’s dedication to the university. John Dey and his family’s business – Harvest Ford – are longtime supporters and partners of OIT.
John Dey with Provost and Acting President Dave Woodall.
OIT’s Greatest Service Award is among the most prestigious honors bestowed by the university. Dick and Nancy Wendt have been tireless supporters of OIT; President Dow has said that the Wendts have provided her loyal friendship and valuable insight throughout her career here.
Established 60 years ago, this award is presented by the university to individuals or organizations that have made unique contributions of time, energy and personal resources towards the advancement of Oregon Institute of Technology.
Throughout the Wendts’ 50-year history in the Klamath area, they have invested of themselves into their local university. Dick currently serves on the President’s Advisory Council, and Nancy is a member of the Oregon Tech Foundation Board of Directors.
They have recently championed the construction of the Oregon Center for Health Professions. The philanthropic arm of their family business, The JELD-WEN Foundation, contributed a $3 million lead gift to the Center’s Prescription for Oregon fundraising campaign. The Wendts also personally contributed $3 million toward a matching fund to encourage gifts from other donors. Nancy serves as co-chair of the campaign, along with John Dey.
The Wendts are known for their quiet philanthropy, having supported numerous improvements and charities throughout the Klamath Basin and the nation. They are generous with their wealth and vision and are always prepared to put personal time and effort into the causes they support.
They established the Wendt Presidential Scholarship to help OIT students obtain financial assistance in pursuing education and have closely mentored students completing studies here.
OIT is proud to consider Dick and Nancy Wendt two of its greatest supporters. They set an example of gracious beneficence and hard work for the entire university community.
Provost and Acting President Dave Woodall with Dick and Nancy Wendt.
-- Valeree Lane in service to Martha Anne Dow
Link fixed
Thanks for your patience.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Interesting study
President Dow would say that Dr. Murray has done yeoman's work on this project.
--Valeree Lane in service to Martha Anne Dow
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Photo time

This was taken at the Baldwin Hotel Museum Centennial Dinner last summer. President Dow is wearing her grandmother's ecru dress. She found the matching hat at Gottschalks.
She thinks she looks like a bumblebee in her regalia. This image was taken at the 2006 Portland Commencement at University Place.
Here she poses with Miss Klamath County and Miss City of Sunshine at the 2006 groundbreaking for the Oregon Center for Health Professions.
She and Gretchen Schuette, former president of Chemeketa Community College, exchange laughs and gear before signing a memorandum of understanding between the university and college.
--Valeree Lane in service to Martha Anne Dow
Catching up
Anyone who would like to send her a message may address it to the President's Office, 3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Several of us have opportunity to see her from time to time and always take a stack of mail with us for her.
It's been a busy summer. The first wing of the Center is complete. Funding for the second wing is under way.
Tim Brower and several other amazing faculty members hosted high school teachers on campus for the Summer Institute of Project Lead the Way. The teachers come to learn how to integrate engineering into their classrooms. It's a life-changing two weeks for the educators.
Athletics summer camps have been going on almost since commencement. Danny Miles said the basketball camps had concluded, and I read that the volleyball camps were in session last week.
Good work is also going on with our Science and Learning Center at Crater Lake. I'll give you a one-year update soon. I'll try to be more timely.
Keep up the good work.
--Valeree Lane in service to Martha Anne Dow
Thursday, April 26, 2007
President Dow update
President Dow's message to campus, dated Tuesday, April 24, 2007:
Hello, everyone. I want to thank you all for the support, care and affection you’ve expressed for me and my family over the last several weeks. It has been difficult to be away from OIT and the outstanding work you are doing.
I’ve experienced every medical imaging modality through this process, but there have been marvels of engineering, communication, management and applied sciences along the way, too.
You’ve asked for weekly updates on my condition. We are doing our best to provide information to you. I’m asking you to understand that each day has its own challenges and successes. Just spending time with my family is a great blessing. While I know you all care, you must respect my need to have some private time for recovery.
I’m not prepared to give you a length of time associated with my recovery and return to work. I know this contradicts the driven nature of my character. This new life development was unexpected, unwelcome and caught me completely unprepared. I am enjoying the pleasure of being with my husband, children and grandchildren.
Please continue to pray for me, my family and the success of OIT. You are not far from my thoughts, and I know I am in yours.
Martha Anne Dow, President
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Join OIT in Salem
OIT's Legislative priorities this session are the Oregon Center for Health Professions, a healthcare policy package, the Oregon Renewable Energy Center and maintaining the Higher Education budget as presented by Governor Kulongoski. You may view the Governor’s budget here. The Oregon University System Fact Sheet on the budget is available here.
Our focus will be two initiatives that will help shape Oregon’s future: the Oregon Center for Health Professions and the Oregon Renewable Energy Center. OIT is preparing to help close the gap between the industry need for more allied health professionals through the Center for Health Professions, while renewable energy will ensure Oregon’s sustainability.
The public is encouraged to stop by the Galleria and meet some of the wonderful people engaged in study, teaching and service through OIT. If you have friends or relatives in the Salem area, encourage them to stop by.
If you would like to attend the event, ASOIT is sponsoring a bus for students to travel that day. Call ASOIT at 885.1847.
Revering the Reverend
The Klamath Falls community holds an annual celebration that is powerful and moving. I’ve attend several time, and the Congressional Church is always filled to standing room only.
Millie Craddock, a former member of the OIT who retired a few years ago, told a local news station this week that Dr. King’s legacy is not about color, race or social standing. He was dedicated to bringing people together to better themselves and the nation.
I’d like to share a few of my favorite quotes from Dr. King:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers.”
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.”
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Students market memorable weekend
It served as a point of recognition for Danny Miles, too. His 800th career win came in early December, but the tribute was more meaningful in the presence of his former players. All of Coach Miles’ wins have come at OIT, and that is remarkable in a society that finds professionals moving between employers many times during their careers.
I’ve placed some photos below for you all to see some of the action from that weekend.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
It’s a political life
A quick overview of the implications of this budget for higher education finds the Governor requesting more money for public higher education than in recent biennia. The state government works on a two-year cycle called a biennium, and the proposed budget finds higher education in a better funding position than its been since 1999. That’s great news, but it isn’t a done deal.
Part of the Governor’s plan, as I’ve mentioned before is to provide more Oregon Opportunity Grants for students. This helps offset tuition costs. One of the most important factors in the legislative work yet to be done is to ensure that state support is available, through tax dollars, to prevent the escalation of tuition costs.
I never thought, as a scientist, that I would be involved in political work – but the reality is life is political. Students need to become involved and let their legislators know what they think about the higher education budget and other issues. Part of the university experience is the opportunity to become a more active citizen.
OIT will hold a rally day in Salem on Thursday, Feb. 8. I encourage students to contact ASOIT, or the Public Affairs office, to see how to participate. We want to show our legislators how proud we are of OIT, and what we can do together to delivery quality education at OIT.
If you would like more information about the education budget, see the Governor’s Web page and the Oregon University System Web page.
Happy New Year.