Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mixed acronyms: ETIC, PLTW, GRAD

I want to thank Drew for his positive comments in favor of a Midge Festival. I think it would be fun and a good way for the community to make the best of the little pests.

Monday I made a presentation to the Engineering & Technology Industry Council in Portland. I told them about Project Lead the Way, which ETIC granted $99,765 this spring to help provide high school and community college teachers with information on how to incorporate engineering into their curricula.

OIT’s Dr. Tim Brower leads Oregon’s efforts in the national Project Lead the Way (PLTW) program. Last week he concluded a two-week Summer Training Institute that brought 19 educators to campus from Washington, Oregon, Utah, California and Colorado. Four master teachers from New York also participated in facilitating the classes for the participants.

The four areas of emphasis were Principles of Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Design, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Digital Electronics.

Our GRAD (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams) students from Chiloquin High School are spending this week at Crater Lake. I’m sure they are having a great time and having incredible learning experiences outside of the classroom. Below are some photos from their activities last week.

Our Sponsored and Pre-College Programs office does a lot of great work. It is the home of GRAD, TWIST (Teen Women in Science and Technology), I’m Going to College (a program for elementary-school-aged children), Tech Challenge (a science fair competition), and the Lego Robotics Camp – among other great things. I cannot say enough about the good work going on for local young people through this office.

Catch you again next week.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Visitors swarm to campus

There is a lot of activity on campus this week, including some very special events:

  1. High school and community college teachers are here learning to integrate engineering principles into their curricula through Project Lead the Way. Professor Tim Brower organized this effort, which brought 19 instructors to campus. Our own faculty members are augmented with four master teachers from New York. Project Lead the Way is a national initiative and OIT is the lead university pursuing this endeavor in Oregon.
  2. New students are here for registration, orientation and advising – commonly known as our ROAD program. I spoke on a panel this morning addressing parental interests.
  3. The Graduation Really Achieves Dreams program is also ongoing, with sophomore and junior students from Chiloquin High School spending time here for special classes and hands-on experiences.

The Teen Women in Science and Technology (TWIST) program finished last week, and I am delighted with the presence of all these wonderful young people on our campus. They are so bright and promising; it is an honor for OIT to be part of their career exploration. Some of our own students were involved as mentors. I am very pleased to have them so engaged with the Pre-College programs.

Tonight is the Baldwin Hotel Museum Centennial Dinner. I’ve been asked to keynote the event. It will be fun and an evening to remember. I’m planning to wear my grandmother’s wedding dress for this historic occasion. Air conditioning didn’t exist in 1906, so we are in for a warm evening.

The midges are in full swarm, and I’ve heard a rumor that a midge festival is being planned for next summer. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fun and funding

Centennial Days will be next week with many activities on Saturday, July 22. It is also an open house day for the Baldwin Hotel Museum. I’ve been asked to give the keynote for the Baldwin Centennial Banquet. It’s such an interesting building with a fascinating history. I’m honored to have been asked to participate.

This week is another state board of education meeting in Portland. OIT has two items on the board docket. One is an increase in the spending limit for the first wing of the Center for Health Professions, and the second is seeking approval to pursue a G Bond to help finance the Center.

We are eagerly awaiting the outcome of federal bills before Congress and possible inclusion of earmarks for OIT.

I’ll update you again next week.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Favorite campus photos