Presidential Potpourri
Clinton Hankins is also helping me with the blog. He is writing an article for The Edge and is also creating a public relations campaign for the blog.

U.S. Senator Gordon Smith was on campus on Oct. 19. I was pleased to share OIT’s successes with him. We are particularly keen to have his support for some federal initiatives involving the Oregon Renewable Energy Center and the Oregon Center for Health Professions. Also, I asked him to support the concept of the Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner, which will allow dental hygienists greater educational opportunity and provide excellent oral care outreach to underserved populations. Several students from the Medical Imaging and Dental Hygiene departments attended this reception.
U.S. Representative Greg Walden was on campus Oct. 21. We spent a great deal of time talking about renewable energy with him. He travels back to Oregon every week and he attended the opening of the Crater Lake Science and Learning Center in August.
The election season is still in high gear, and I’m carefully watching to see the outcome of a couple of measures that will potentially greatly affect higher education. Please get your votes in if you are eligible to cast a ballot in Oregon.
This week I’m off to the state board meeting in Portland. I will be reporting to the board along with the other university presidents about our performance indicators. You can see how OIT is doing by clicking here.
While I’m there, I’ll also sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Gretchen Schuette, president of Chemeketa Community College. The memorandum will detail ways our university will work with Chemeketa to help students earn bachelor’s degrees in dental hygiene and health sciences. We also have articulation agreements that allow Chemeketa students to transfer classes easily between the community college and OIT.
That’s all for now. I’ll talk to you again next week. Next week we’ll talk about the Cash Net system on campus. I have made note of Christie’s comment on the topic.