Friday, May 26, 2006


The Sonic Burger opening in the Rogue Valley has caused me to have a vivid flashback. Actually, I was thinking about this the other day, when Professor Bob Rogers brought Earl Rader by my office.

Earl is 92 and a longtime friend of Bob’s. He has taught specialized welding on campus and donated equipment for use by our students. Earl made the first 1,500 quick-serve milkshake machines for A&W many years ago. That knowledge made me think of my first job as a high school student.

Sonic Burger has car hops, just like A&W did. However, at A&W we had to wear roller skates. I was pretty good at moving along, but didn’t really know how to stop.

My first day on the job, I was taking six large drinks out to a car. I was confident and things were going well, until I reached the car. The serving trays hooked onto the car window, and the man in the car rolled the window completely down just as I arrived. All six drinks landed in his lap.

The A&W manager came out and apologized. I thought I’d lose the job, but the man in the car was very kind. He told the manager that he shouldn’t have rolled the window down.

I thought I’d post this early, as the holiday weekend and meetings will make time scarce next week.

I was disappointed in the turnout for the Center for Health Professions Student Forum. We only saw about eight students. The photo shows Denise Honzel, director of the Center, talking to a mechanical engineering student.


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